Monday, January 26, 2009


Soo, yeah,

I found this in my phone, I took it a while ago, but the colouring was horrible. So i took it out, it looks way better in black and white, I also played with the brightness and contrast

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

'Kay, awesome movie.
Best I have seen in a while.
It's amazing.

It is an english movie based in India, about a "slumdog", or "chai wala (serves tea)" from Mumbai.

So, Jamal, gets a spot on India's Who Wants to be a Millionaire.

He get's all of the answers right, but right before the last question, the show finished.

After the show, they sort of kidnapped him, and questioned him.

They were telling him that doctors and lawyers couldn't get past 16,000 rupees, but he, a slumdog, answers the ten million rupee question.

It couldn't be possible, but he explains through his childhood memories how he came to know all the answers.

It's really interesting, and I think everyone should watch it (if you're fourteen or older.)


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pictures From Cell =]

So... Trees.
In the Car window. I liked it. I took a picture of it. Here it is.

I like trees. They can look completely different, but still the same in their nature.

I took the second one right before a sunset. I usually try blocking out houses and telephone wires, but I kinda like the effect they give off. It's like you can't get away from technology in today's world.

The last one I edited, I put so much contrast that only the silhouette of the trees show now, but I really like it.


Saturday, January 17, 2009

New Layout ;]

I think that the layouts can get boring to look at after a while, so I'm going to usually try to change the layout once in a while.

Backgrounds are courtesy of :
The Cutest Blog on the Block


Friday, January 16, 2009





I have three exams to study for this weekend, and I have to memorize a monologue, and practice dying onstage. Which is incredibly difficult.

Buuut... at least ofter Friday, I am FREE!!

until the next monday after that, anyways..

...So that was my story today.
If you read it, then great, if you didn't..
Well, then you didn't read it, what can I say?

I took some pictures on my phone today, and I was very impressed. I shall post them soon!


Sunday, January 11, 2009

So, Anyways.

I so did not want to go back to school, the only thing waiting for me was lots of culminating, and three exams at the end of the month.

That was a week late. But I was excited at first.
The excitement disappeared at one point.

It's quite cold this week.

I just feel like lying around, and that's not good, especially cause I've gotta write exams, but whatever. When it's time, I'll study :)

I have nothing more to look forward to for a while. Like, March.
That's two months :/

Ok, I'm done jabbering. I must get on with my life.
So, yeah.


P.S. If anybody happens to be reading this, would you mind requesting some geography websites, on account of the fact I am stuck for research for my geography culminating project. :S

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I found a New Editor on my Computer =]

I just thought I'd share.

I made two edits with it so far.
It's pretty difficult and frustrating to work though, so these may not be the best in the world...
I really need to get PhotoShop :S

OK, the First one I started for a part of my project ( a magazine ad) and I actually liked it a lot; it's one of my favourite book series. ( A Great and terrible beauty, by Libba Bray.)

And of course the Twilight series, but I wasn't all that impressed at how it turned out.

I think I was just frustrated that everything was so hidden, but otherwise it is an alright program to use. I wouldn't tell anyone to use it if they don't particularly enjoy editing pictures as a hobby, though.

Friday, January 2, 2009

More Pictures.. ;]

I was really happy with this picture. I played around with all the effects, and this is what I got. I took it while I was in a car, going somewhere...

I took the sunrise from the view of my house.
I had to zoom so much with my camera; I was worried it was going to come out blurry, but it didn't, and I really like this picture.

This one I took in the fall (obviously), I was walking somewhere, and started to kick around some leaves. I really liked the effect it was giving off, so i took out my camera and took some pictures.
This was my best one.

(Click to get bigger images)
