Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Helo Hello, I Bet Everyone Missed Mee:)

Oh. You didn't? Well, that's a shame. You should have missed me. So, I shall give everyone some updates on my life.

I have been up to my eyebrows in homework! It's insane! But... not today! *Happy Dance* I got lucky, Haha.

So I half like this semester. My mornings are awesome (I like the subjects and the people in my class). My afternoon's are... ahem. You get the point. In one of my classes I have no close friends. At all. It kinda sucks. I have friends, just not close, and I tend to talk a lot because it's waay out of my comfort zone and then I say something stupid. So I just don't talk... unfortunately it's a very interactive class. Ugh.

Whatever. I'm so excited for next semester though! CyberArts! and I have one of my best friends in all of my classes! But we'll probably end up killing each other. Haha oh well.

And what else? Oh yeah! Diwali's in less than two weeks! Oh my gosh I'm so excited! I just love the lights and the colours and everything! And I get to see a bunch of my friends I only get to see at this time of year! After that it kind of dies down until Holi which is in March or April. I see some of them at Christmas though.

Oh!! A book! Like Water For Chocolate by Laura Esquivel. It's so good! I'm reading it for english and we're only supposed to read a section a week, but it's so hard not to just read the whole book in one sitting!

Ah! I was hoping to have some song reccomendations, but sadly no. Recently I've started listening to musical mucic. It's bizzare. But it's so catchy!

Anywhoo blog ya later.


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