Friday, July 30, 2010

Kay Wow


I remembered I had this. I also realized I probably will not be blogging anymore, which I apologize for.

I'll probably check in once in a blue moon and tell readers random useless facts about my life that no one cares about.

I made this blog for a class and to express my feelings about things, but after a while I just ranted a whole lot about everything which is not what I intended when I made it. And I personally wouldn't read a blog where people just complained about everything, so when I have something interesting to post, and I actually have the time/energy to post it, I will:)

Anyways, I'm procrastinating; I should get back to work.

Friday, March 19, 2010


I figured that since it's spring now we need a new background. But I'm still in the process of making one.

I shall make do with this one instead.

Just thought I'd let the two people reading know.


Monday, March 15, 2010

Hellooo March Break!


I'm really sorry I haven't posted in forever. I've been so busy and I've been meaning to make a new background. (Any suggestions for that?) Especially since it is no longer winter! Thank goodness.

So what's new? I've been really busy with my CyberArts course, it's incredibly fun but a lot of hard work. I'll be posting things I've done from there on this blog and my CyberArts blog. Like a bunch of things we've been doing with a program called Flash.

There's this HUGE Gujarati dance competition coming up for me in one of Canada's most famous theatres, and I am so honoured and excited to be part of it with my dance group.

I think that's all I'd like to share, I'm so excited for the break because of the gorgeous weather!

I'm gonna go and enjoy the sun now:)


Sunday, February 21, 2010

I'm Hungry


I'm hungry. But I'm too lazy to get up. Even though the kitchen is next door. I'm also procrastinating. I should have finished two blog posts for CyberArts on my other blog and a sketchbook assignment (also for CyberArts.) The way I planned my weekend, I should have been researching Earth Art for another CyberArts project.

Ah well.

Did I mention my play is done? It actually was AH-MAZING. Definitely one of the best experiences of my life. I mean, I've always loved drama, but this was my first lead. And it was definitely exhilarating to perform in front of around a hundred people.

And I'm really going to miss it. I've made a lot of friends and this might be my last play.


Anyways. I shall go finish my work.


Friday, February 12, 2010

Frazzled? Yeah, That Sums It Up

Hey guys, sorry for not posting in the longest time. I've been incredibly busy lately with rehearsal. And I had a day off today, but I had rehearsal.

So It's going to feel weird sitting at home once all of this is done.

Has anyone ever just had one of those up and down days? That was my day today, definitely up and down. I think it's because I'm one of those people who let the smallest things ruin everything. Or maybe I'm just really tired, hahaha. But it ended off great.

Not many people showed up to the dress rehearsal, so we just ran a cue to cue and painted the set at the end. Everyone thought it was going to be really boring, but it was a great bonding experience, and a lot of fun; more people got the paint on themselves than on the set!

So anyways, just thought I'd share that with you. I'll try to post some pictures up... when my camera comes back with my aunt from India in a month.


Saturday, January 30, 2010

Good Reads

Okay so two amazing books I've read:

Bones of Faerie
, by Janni Lee Simner

And The Uninvited by Tim-Wynne Jones

Just wanted to let you know.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

So This is What Freedom Feels Like

I'M BORED. Out of my mind. Although I guess it's way better than staying up till two or three in the morning to study. Then again it was worth it; I came out of my exams thinking "That was easy." So today's lesson: STUDY. Unless you're a smarty pants. Like me. Haha, kidding. Well kinda. But even if you are, STUDY. It's worth it.

So anyways. Dorkiness aside, I'm bored. But today's to-do list:

  1. Clean everything.
  2. Organize everything after cleaning.
  3. Get a screwdriver.
  4. Unscrew the back of a new picture frame that is too tight.
  5. Get picture printed another day.
  6. Watch Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
  7. Finish reading the Uninvited.
  8. Go to rehearsal.
  9. Sleep.
Okay. That's it for now. I'm going to try to accomplish my to-do list.


Monday, January 25, 2010

It's didn't Blow my Mind, it BLASTED my Mind!

So Hi. I honestly have no clue why I put a Russel Peters Quote as my title.

Just wanted to let anyone reading this that I think exams are the most pointless things. They can either make your grade, or break your grade. I already had one on Friday, then I have two more on tomorrow and on Wednesday. And lemme tell you, I think my History grade is going to drop. *sigh*

Anyways. Gotta go study.


Sunday, January 17, 2010

I Need Better Time Managment Skills

So you know how last Sunday I was saying how I didn't get any work done?

Well... Same thing this Sunday. I have three culminatings due this week... and I haven't started on two. And I don't know why I'm blogging right now so bye!


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Oh, January, You are Annoying, aren't you?

So did I mention that in January all the work starts to pile up? I've got to do two culminating projects and I'm stumped for both of them.

And the worst part? I haven't done anything this weekend! Nothing. Sure, I've done some worksheets. But that's it. I've got two quizzes and maybe a test tomorrow and I'm only prepared for the test that might not happen!

Anyways, I should go! I'm kind of wasting time doing this so I'm just going to go now!

See ya! (Unless I don't know you, cause that would be really creepy...)


Friday, January 1, 2010

Why, Hello 2010:)

Wow. I can't believe it's the new year already. Time flew by really quickly this winter break, but I had a ton of fun; I didn't have to worry about anything, no school work, no rehearsals, no annoying people to deal with... other than family members, but I love them anyways, hahaha.

So I really just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Years. I know the blog's been really slow lately... and it's about to get slower for January... maybe February, but I promise I'll be back in March. If anyone actually cares. Which I doubt they do. But whatever. I'm still going to blog.

Bye for now!
