Thursday, January 28, 2010

So This is What Freedom Feels Like

I'M BORED. Out of my mind. Although I guess it's way better than staying up till two or three in the morning to study. Then again it was worth it; I came out of my exams thinking "That was easy." So today's lesson: STUDY. Unless you're a smarty pants. Like me. Haha, kidding. Well kinda. But even if you are, STUDY. It's worth it.

So anyways. Dorkiness aside, I'm bored. But today's to-do list:

  1. Clean everything.
  2. Organize everything after cleaning.
  3. Get a screwdriver.
  4. Unscrew the back of a new picture frame that is too tight.
  5. Get picture printed another day.
  6. Watch Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
  7. Finish reading the Uninvited.
  8. Go to rehearsal.
  9. Sleep.
Okay. That's it for now. I'm going to try to accomplish my to-do list.


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