Saturday, January 30, 2010

Good Reads

Okay so two amazing books I've read:

Bones of Faerie
, by Janni Lee Simner

And The Uninvited by Tim-Wynne Jones

Just wanted to let you know.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

So This is What Freedom Feels Like

I'M BORED. Out of my mind. Although I guess it's way better than staying up till two or three in the morning to study. Then again it was worth it; I came out of my exams thinking "That was easy." So today's lesson: STUDY. Unless you're a smarty pants. Like me. Haha, kidding. Well kinda. But even if you are, STUDY. It's worth it.

So anyways. Dorkiness aside, I'm bored. But today's to-do list:

  1. Clean everything.
  2. Organize everything after cleaning.
  3. Get a screwdriver.
  4. Unscrew the back of a new picture frame that is too tight.
  5. Get picture printed another day.
  6. Watch Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
  7. Finish reading the Uninvited.
  8. Go to rehearsal.
  9. Sleep.
Okay. That's it for now. I'm going to try to accomplish my to-do list.


Monday, January 25, 2010

It's didn't Blow my Mind, it BLASTED my Mind!

So Hi. I honestly have no clue why I put a Russel Peters Quote as my title.

Just wanted to let anyone reading this that I think exams are the most pointless things. They can either make your grade, or break your grade. I already had one on Friday, then I have two more on tomorrow and on Wednesday. And lemme tell you, I think my History grade is going to drop. *sigh*

Anyways. Gotta go study.


Sunday, January 17, 2010

I Need Better Time Managment Skills

So you know how last Sunday I was saying how I didn't get any work done?

Well... Same thing this Sunday. I have three culminatings due this week... and I haven't started on two. And I don't know why I'm blogging right now so bye!


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Oh, January, You are Annoying, aren't you?

So did I mention that in January all the work starts to pile up? I've got to do two culminating projects and I'm stumped for both of them.

And the worst part? I haven't done anything this weekend! Nothing. Sure, I've done some worksheets. But that's it. I've got two quizzes and maybe a test tomorrow and I'm only prepared for the test that might not happen!

Anyways, I should go! I'm kind of wasting time doing this so I'm just going to go now!

See ya! (Unless I don't know you, cause that would be really creepy...)


Friday, January 1, 2010

Why, Hello 2010:)

Wow. I can't believe it's the new year already. Time flew by really quickly this winter break, but I had a ton of fun; I didn't have to worry about anything, no school work, no rehearsals, no annoying people to deal with... other than family members, but I love them anyways, hahaha.

So I really just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Years. I know the blog's been really slow lately... and it's about to get slower for January... maybe February, but I promise I'll be back in March. If anyone actually cares. Which I doubt they do. But whatever. I'm still going to blog.

Bye for now!
