Thursday, April 30, 2009

Picture :)

So I've been working on a picture I'm making from scrap. It's kinda like the picture a few posts below, but with more colour and no writing. I'm still working on it but I felt good about it. It's probably not going to be up soon since this is the last weekend I'll have enough time to breathe in May (Construction Challenge and Drama).

So yeah, I'll try to post soon.


Thursday, April 23, 2009


So I recently auditioned for my school's acting class. It's completely nerve-racking especially when you know the people you're auditioning for. You'd think it wouldn't be.

So I walk in, and all I'm doing is focusing on my breathing (And getting into character of course)

I go into the shoe room to take off my shoes (duh.)

When I walk out of the shoe room, I start freaking out. Imagine going in the classroom for an exam, and if you get less than an 80%, you'll fail the course.

So I go onstage and I thought I was gonna break down. I keep breathing. In and out. It's really relaxing. It helps to get into character as well. So that moment I took getting into character felt like an eternity, but it helped. I got up and (hopefully -- cross my fingers) I had a good stage presence, and I didn't look like Roshni, I looked and talked like my characters.

BUT coming out of the audition I didn't feel too great about it. So I shall keep whomever is actually reading this updated on how i did. I most likely won't find out until June though.

Although my drama coach/friend said that I'm too hard on myself...

So we shall see in a month or so...

Thanks for reading.& I hope I didn't bore you : ) but yeah. I felt the need to share that.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

New Layout :)

So I put up a new layout. :) I really liked the background when I saw it. There were also the flash quote and the title that I liked. They are all still from The cutest Blog on the Block.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Picture :)

So I'm definitely incredibly proud of this one. I made it from scratch. If you're wondering what the words are, they're just random tidbits of my day from the day I made it. (Which wasn't going so well , FYI)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sorry :D

OK, so if anyone cares I haven't blogged since... I actually don't know.
So (again) if anyone cares I'm sorry :)
I've been crazy with school and extra curricular stuff.
I actually have a lot of pictures and A LOT of book recommendations.

I think once exams are over I'll be free to do as I please. Although exams aren't over until June... but still.

So I shall try to write again :)
