Thursday, April 23, 2009


So I recently auditioned for my school's acting class. It's completely nerve-racking especially when you know the people you're auditioning for. You'd think it wouldn't be.

So I walk in, and all I'm doing is focusing on my breathing (And getting into character of course)

I go into the shoe room to take off my shoes (duh.)

When I walk out of the shoe room, I start freaking out. Imagine going in the classroom for an exam, and if you get less than an 80%, you'll fail the course.

So I go onstage and I thought I was gonna break down. I keep breathing. In and out. It's really relaxing. It helps to get into character as well. So that moment I took getting into character felt like an eternity, but it helped. I got up and (hopefully -- cross my fingers) I had a good stage presence, and I didn't look like Roshni, I looked and talked like my characters.

BUT coming out of the audition I didn't feel too great about it. So I shall keep whomever is actually reading this updated on how i did. I most likely won't find out until June though.

Although my drama coach/friend said that I'm too hard on myself...

So we shall see in a month or so...

Thanks for reading.& I hope I didn't bore you : ) but yeah. I felt the need to share that.

1 comment:

  1. you're fantastic, i'm sure you did great :D

    (if you can't tell fantastic is a word i've recently started using :D)

