Monday, August 17, 2009

Must... Stop... Playing... Sudoku

Ah, Writer's Block. Where would I be without it?

I think I know though: WRITING.

Instead I'm playing Sudoku... which I used to be really good at but now sadly... it took me 20 minutes to finish the easy level, a level that only used to take me five minutes.

But practise makes perfect... and I am out of practise. And me being the impatient person I am... I just went and jumped to the hardest level-- known as the Evil Level.

I put the game on pause so I can blog about it... why I chose to blog about it... I do not know.

I also need to start writing. Soon. But maybe after another game of Sudoku. Or tomorrow. Tomorrow sounds good. But, seriously, when am I going to have time to write once school comes around?

Answer: I have no idea. Here are the possible solutions:

1) Me being involved in absolutely nothing after school and getting great grades in everything because of my lack of extra-curricular activity. And on top of that: sleep.

Number one is doubtful. VERY doubtful

2) Me only being involved in something second semester , involving robot building, and getting good grades in both semesters but a lack of sleep in second semester.


3) There's a rumour that there is going to be a first semester main stage. I could be in that and not Construction Challenge (involving robots). And get a lack of sleep if I want to keep my great grades. But then snooze away AND get great grades in second semester.

Equally possible.

4) Get involved in main stage and Construction challenge and keep up good grades... but get no sleep, especially if I want to write.

Most Likely.

This is why I enjoy summer. It's very laid back and relaxing.

Although I do love some chaos.

So back to my game of sudoku...


Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Okay, so would anyone like some updates?

If you do... well, there aren't any. Actually, there are some. I drew something! I'm kind of pleased with it, but I'm not really sure.

The picture could have a dark meaning to it, or a hopeful one, depending on how you look at it. I drew it so it could have a hopeful meaning to it. Although some people would probably call me depressed. But I know I drew it with a good meaning to it, so really, it doesn't matter how other people interpret it. It's drawn with two meanings. Maybe one day I'll post it up... but really it's a rough draft at the moment.

Anyways, I think I might throw my music device (I'm not sure if I can name it) at the wall. But I'm not going to because that's just stupid.

The thing it, my friend put some songs on it yesterday, but it won't let me transfer them onto my computer. The company that makes them are really smart, apparently.

Oh well.

And did I mention there is less than a month till school?
Oh well.

I shall be back. Maybe soon.
