Friday, September 25, 2009

That Soup was a Lifesaver!

That soup healed my sore throat! Maybe that's because there was a little too much salt and spice in it though... oh well, it worked!

I am currently reading MLIAs and losing the game. Sorry about that (the game, I mean).

Really, I should be doing homework but I'm sooo lazy. I just wanna cirl up into a ball and hope that my cold will disappear magically.

Too bad life doesn't work like that.

Back to science land! (Superhero music should go here I think. Like dun dun na na! No? Okay, I'm delusional.)


Chicken Soup for the Soul...

Well, I'd like to say it's for the soul, but it's more for my immune system. My Grandma's making me soup! Hopefully it'll taste good. Either way I gotta eat it, and luckily I'll feel better.

I took a sick day off from school. I wish I had sooner because now all the teachers are going to give a lot of homework for the weekend and I'm going to have to finish it all on Monday night. Isn't that fun?

Anywho. Soup's ready, I shall keep you posted on my cold (because all of you care, right? Oh? No? You don't? Oh well.)


Thursday, September 24, 2009

I Can Finally Hear!!

Hello all, I'm sick. And I'm posting this because I think the whole world cares.

What's that? Oh. They don't. My Facebook friends probably don't either. That's why I'm posting it here.

You know how I said I could finally hear? I can't again. MY ears popped from blowing my nose. AGAIN. Are. You. Kidding. Me.

And mt nose was like a waterfall. I'm sure all of you needed to know that. I'm just complaining. Pay no mind to this. Anyways, gotta go do my homework now I guess.


Monday, September 21, 2009

Oh Hey! I Remember What School Feels Like Now...

So hello everyone!

Hope you've had a good three first weeks of school. I kind of have.

Anyways I just wanted to let the very very very very very acutely tiny population of you readers know that I'm alive!

And sleepy. Hopefully I shall blog more this week.

Actually. Don't count on it. It's a major holiday in the Hindu community (Navratri) and I just got cast in a play at school. (Big part apparently. Yay!)

So perhaps next week. Hopefully.

Anywhoo, I have pictures and a ton of books to recommend/post.



Monday, September 7, 2009


Hi everyone!

I'm folding laundry (Well I should be folding laundry)

Anyways. Apparently I have to go to school tomorrow.

That sucks. It really, really does. I'll post how my week went later this week. Well obviously later this week.

Anyways. I should fold laundry. Apparently I have nothing better to do on the last day of summer. Oh,well. I've done enough this summer.


Friday, September 4, 2009

La La La...

So hey!

I completely forgot what I was going to say. But I'm going to ramble anyways. I do that a lot. Why? I don't know.


What was I talking about?


Nothing at all.

Oh well.

You know what smarts?

(Yes, I love to say that smarts! And yes, I am hyped up on caffeine!)

Well, this is the last Friday night of summer 09. I actually saw a lot of my friends today! But... it's still kind of sad. Some of my friends moved during the summer so I don't get to see them on Tuesday.

BUT I did get to see one of my friends that lives two hours away. So I got to stay at her place for a week. Yay!

I need a pencil case. The one I have now is too big. I also kinda want some sharpies...

Okay. I'll stop rambling now.

Au revoir.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hello Hello:)

Summer Vacation is officially over in six days.
Where did it all go?

Oh, well. We shouldn't dwell on it.
I completely forgot I took it (even though it's been my wallpaper for a week)

Well that would be it. It's not the greatest, I know. But I still like it.

So school. I have to say, I am kind of excited. Just to see my friends, but that's about it. I really hate to think about growing up. If it were up to me I'd stay a teenager forever. Too bad I can't change that.

Oh well. So two days ago I had the pleasure of staying in front of the guidance office for THREE HOURS. There was a conflict in my schedule. So I walk into the guidance counsellor's office and we checked to see what was wrong I waited three hours for nothing. She's really nice though. and she told me my schedule. It is well balanced, thank God. I could've had all four academic classes in one semester; if I had drama second semester and math first semester it could have happened.

In other words, I got a new backpack! Yay. I don;t know why, but I get really excited over these things. It's got some pencil organizers ans whatnot built in.

So after writing that. It is official. I need to get out. My mind is everywhere. I'm going to the library today.

See? My mind is everywhere! In a week I'll have no idea what I was thinking when I wrote this.

Oh well.

So I was debating whether or not I should review some of my science work form last year, as I have that first semester. What do you guys think?

Actually. Scratch that. I'm going crazy if I'm debating studying in the last precious days of vacation.

Okay, so I'm out before I say more stupid things.


PS, If some of you don't listen to the Beatles, you seriously should! I never used to listen to them, even when my friends put all of their songs on my iPod, but I finally gave in.

My favourite is Here Comes the Sun. It's happy

And also, my friend got me listening to Kate Nash back in May and her songs are awesome, especially Merry Happy and Birds.