Thursday, December 24, 2009

Hi All!

So I just wanted to wish everyone a safe and Happy Holidays! Go suff your faces! ... Then exercise... that's what I'm going to do!


Monday, December 21, 2009

Referring to the Previous Post

I lied. It was only one picture. And not of the people. The cookie cutter.

Don't judge me.

Okay. That is all.

Au revoir!



Time Flies...

It's already been a year since I started blogging. I really regret not taking snapshots of the different backgrounds at different times; I'll do that for the new year.

So that's all I really wanted to write... but I haven't treated you guys to pictures yet!

My family and I made gingerbread people last night and I took some pictures of the gingerbread people. Here they are:

Friday, December 18, 2009

Happy Holidays!

So I decided to give you guys a present... A new Background! Yes, I'm sure that's exactly what you wanted.

So I'm done for two weeks finally! I can actually sleep and eat... and gain weight, haha. I just love the spirit of Christmas though! After that, the snow can disappear, though.

Kay, it's dinner, I shall blog later!


Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Hey guys, sorry for not posting in the longest time! (If anyone cares, haha.)

Homework has been piling up cause teachers don't wanna give us homework over the break and rehearsal's been hectic, so I'll probably post something this weekend when I have time to breathe!

Au Revoir!


Friday, December 4, 2009

How 'Bout them Coconuts?

Hello hello,

Have you ever wondered what you'd do if you were ever stranded on a desert island? Like the person crying, or being the leader, the one trying to get reception on their phone or the one that got everyone stuck there?

I think I'd be the one that talks to a coconut. Just saying.

That'd probably say a lot about me, but maybe it doesn't. I think I'd just get fed up with everyone and talks to someone that just agrees with me for everything. That makes sense to me. I think. Well no, it really doesn't, but this blog doesn't make sense.

But really, if you talk to a coconut it doesn't make you insane, does it?

Yeah. I know. I can answer it myself.

It does.

Ah, well. What's the fun in being sane?

I just lost the game, dang it!

And I just spent half a blog post talking about insanity and coconuts... that's an accomplishment if I do say so myself.

Anywhooo, Adios!
