Thursday, December 24, 2009

Hi All!

So I just wanted to wish everyone a safe and Happy Holidays! Go suff your faces! ... Then exercise... that's what I'm going to do!


Monday, December 21, 2009

Referring to the Previous Post

I lied. It was only one picture. And not of the people. The cookie cutter.

Don't judge me.

Okay. That is all.

Au revoir!



Time Flies...

It's already been a year since I started blogging. I really regret not taking snapshots of the different backgrounds at different times; I'll do that for the new year.

So that's all I really wanted to write... but I haven't treated you guys to pictures yet!

My family and I made gingerbread people last night and I took some pictures of the gingerbread people. Here they are:

Friday, December 18, 2009

Happy Holidays!

So I decided to give you guys a present... A new Background! Yes, I'm sure that's exactly what you wanted.

So I'm done for two weeks finally! I can actually sleep and eat... and gain weight, haha. I just love the spirit of Christmas though! After that, the snow can disappear, though.

Kay, it's dinner, I shall blog later!


Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Hey guys, sorry for not posting in the longest time! (If anyone cares, haha.)

Homework has been piling up cause teachers don't wanna give us homework over the break and rehearsal's been hectic, so I'll probably post something this weekend when I have time to breathe!

Au Revoir!


Friday, December 4, 2009

How 'Bout them Coconuts?

Hello hello,

Have you ever wondered what you'd do if you were ever stranded on a desert island? Like the person crying, or being the leader, the one trying to get reception on their phone or the one that got everyone stuck there?

I think I'd be the one that talks to a coconut. Just saying.

That'd probably say a lot about me, but maybe it doesn't. I think I'd just get fed up with everyone and talks to someone that just agrees with me for everything. That makes sense to me. I think. Well no, it really doesn't, but this blog doesn't make sense.

But really, if you talk to a coconut it doesn't make you insane, does it?

Yeah. I know. I can answer it myself.

It does.

Ah, well. What's the fun in being sane?

I just lost the game, dang it!

And I just spent half a blog post talking about insanity and coconuts... that's an accomplishment if I do say so myself.

Anywhooo, Adios!


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

So This is the Time of Semester When It All Comes Crashing Down?

This is the part of the semester when homework is going into piles and piles and drama rehearsals are getting later and later... and slightly uncomfortable. But acting is stepping out of your comfort zone, right?

But really, I feel incredibly pressured. Like I feel like it's a commitment to myself that my average should be above 90... and it's not. My marks are dropping. And honestly, I don't know why I'm blogging at the moment. I should start making study sheets for exams 'cause I sure will not have time to study during the play!

Okay see ya!

Oh, and another thing, I put some henna on... Sorry for the quality, I just took it now on webcam.



Saturday, November 21, 2009


One of my biggest pet peeves is when people don't spell properly. I don't care about spelling mistakes, I mean wen ppl type like diss. it anoys meh.

Really. If people are saying r and u instead of are and you then I really don't care. it's wen ppl say tings leik dis and purposely spell like dis wid ds instead of ths or c u derr.

And really, liek instead of like. THEY ARE SPELLED WITH THE SAME LETTERS. And meh instead of me, do people want to spell with an extra letter?

That spelling is just atrocious.


You know what'd be funny? If I spelled something wrong. But whatever. Haha.

I shall blog later.

Au revoir!


Saturday, November 14, 2009


I'm sick, once again folks. Not that any of you actually care. Well maybe you do. Cause there's about seven people that actually read this blog and they're my friends. So you better care.

And I need to make my immune system stronger. I have consumed so much vitamin C in the past 18 hours.

I'd probably be okay today but I went to my friend's house yesterday and we were loud to say the least. Now my throat feels like someone rubbed sandpaper in it. And my sneezes hurt. And I won't get to see a friend I haven't seen since August today while she's in town. But luckily I saw her yesterday for a bit.

Okay so enough complaining. I think that's all I do anymore. Argh.

I need some juice.

See ya.


Monday, November 9, 2009

Well, That's Kinda Odd...

Hey Bloggies! (Too cheesy?)

I just discovered this -- I blog way more in the winter when it's snowing! I think that's cause I take a lot more pictures... and it's holiday season which means new styles of clothes... and the shoes... and bags....


Oh! Sorry. I kinda dazed off there. I love shoes. I bet you didn't know that.

I also love BOOKS!

Read Thirteen Reasons Why, I'm still reading it, it's by Jay Asher. It is amazing, and tragic. Did I mention amazing?

Okay, so that's all for today. My train of thought goes by way too quickly for me to type it down.

Haha, be back soon.


Wednesday, November 4, 2009


So I'm sorry for not posting in the longest while, at least it feels like the longest time to me...

Halloween was so much fun! I was a ghost, not little red riding hood. I didn't exactly have a hood so I couldn't really be little red riding HOOD.

And I was going to post this like, two days ago, but I kept saving it as a draft because I got lazy. I'm bad. I know. It's because I keep getting distracted from msn and Facebook.

I was actually going to delete my Facebook account, but I'm too high on Cafe World. And that is the only reason I have kept it.

So... what else is new? I'm reading MacBeth in english!!! I'm so excited, from what I've heard, it's such an interesting play, and I know the outline, more or less so I'm excited to break it down and get all the meanings and symbols, and as much as I can understand from it!

Ahem... sorry for my nerd rampage. Anyways. I'm gonna go! I shall blog later... when I have something interesting to share or just when I feel like it. Who knows.


Friday, October 30, 2009

What? It's Halloween Already?!?

Ergh! So this week has gone by so slow at some points and so fast at the rare good parts of the week. So tomorrow's that day where you get candy.

I think I'm going in a group of like 10 people... it should be interesting. I'M BEING LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD. And yes. I am very excited. Haha.

I am going to step on leaves because they. Are. Everywhere. I'm so excited and I need to bring a camera. Haha.

But really. I can't wait till Christmas. Two weeks off of school! Woot!

Anyways. Just thought I'd give whoever reads this a brief update.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Happy Diwali!!

Hello Hellloo!

It's Diwali, (the Hindu festival of lights) I'm soo excited.

We've been putting out diyas (that's what the picture is)

And I did Rangoli yesterday! (Look it up, haha)

But I'm getting sick. Erghh! So I did a bunch of home remedies and I'm feeling better! And I better be okay by tonight cause it's the Diwali program!

Anywhoo. Time for breakfast!


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Another To-Do List

So I keep getting off track.

I'm going to make a list to set my priorities straight.

- Make outline for speech, while making notes on research questions, as well.
- Research questions for science lab tomorrow. If I did this two weeks ago, I wouldn't have to do this now! (And I have internally kicked myself countless times...)

Ergh! I hate work. Well, sometimes I enjoy it, but still. ERGH.

Blog ya later,


To Do List... Continued!

Okay... so this thing kind of helped!

I shall try it again!

  1. English speech.
  2. Study Science.
  3. That's it I believe... Thank goodness!
Anyways... Do I have anything to share? Hmmm. Nah. I don't think so.

Mmmkay, blog ya later!
(Yes, I'm THAT nerdy.)


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

To-Do List

So since I happen to go to my blog much more often than looking at what I write in my agenda in class, I shall write my to-do list here. I know, it's fascinating, isn't it? Aren't you just squealing with excitement that you are going to take a sneak peek at my homework? I know I'm not.

Okay. So let's start with the most important, shall we? Or just whatever feels more pressuring. Yep. Definitely that.

  1. Research things for english speech (essay outloud, basically) on young offendors.
  2. Study for test science (best subject! I think so, anyways...)
  3. Go to school early and finish science I forgot at school.
  4. Ummm.
Okay. Panicking. *Insert long line of profanities here*

Gotta run!


Sunday, October 11, 2009

New Background!

Okay, So I really like this one!

It was a lot easier than the other ones I've made and I think it looks a lot better because it's simple.

Hope you like it!


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Shall I Change My Background?

Soo I saw this cool background that I really liked, and it looks simple enough to make, I think I might use it for fall and winter... I'm also debating on making one celebrating Diwali, but It'd only be up for October, cause it's in a WEEK! I'm so excited!

So as I was saying, the background looks really cute and simple, I've started on it already, I just have to choose the colours.

Hopefully it'll be up by Monday!


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Helo Hello, I Bet Everyone Missed Mee:)

Oh. You didn't? Well, that's a shame. You should have missed me. So, I shall give everyone some updates on my life.

I have been up to my eyebrows in homework! It's insane! But... not today! *Happy Dance* I got lucky, Haha.

So I half like this semester. My mornings are awesome (I like the subjects and the people in my class). My afternoon's are... ahem. You get the point. In one of my classes I have no close friends. At all. It kinda sucks. I have friends, just not close, and I tend to talk a lot because it's waay out of my comfort zone and then I say something stupid. So I just don't talk... unfortunately it's a very interactive class. Ugh.

Whatever. I'm so excited for next semester though! CyberArts! and I have one of my best friends in all of my classes! But we'll probably end up killing each other. Haha oh well.

And what else? Oh yeah! Diwali's in less than two weeks! Oh my gosh I'm so excited! I just love the lights and the colours and everything! And I get to see a bunch of my friends I only get to see at this time of year! After that it kind of dies down until Holi which is in March or April. I see some of them at Christmas though.

Oh!! A book! Like Water For Chocolate by Laura Esquivel. It's so good! I'm reading it for english and we're only supposed to read a section a week, but it's so hard not to just read the whole book in one sitting!

Ah! I was hoping to have some song reccomendations, but sadly no. Recently I've started listening to musical mucic. It's bizzare. But it's so catchy!

Anywhoo blog ya later.


Friday, September 25, 2009

That Soup was a Lifesaver!

That soup healed my sore throat! Maybe that's because there was a little too much salt and spice in it though... oh well, it worked!

I am currently reading MLIAs and losing the game. Sorry about that (the game, I mean).

Really, I should be doing homework but I'm sooo lazy. I just wanna cirl up into a ball and hope that my cold will disappear magically.

Too bad life doesn't work like that.

Back to science land! (Superhero music should go here I think. Like dun dun na na! No? Okay, I'm delusional.)


Chicken Soup for the Soul...

Well, I'd like to say it's for the soul, but it's more for my immune system. My Grandma's making me soup! Hopefully it'll taste good. Either way I gotta eat it, and luckily I'll feel better.

I took a sick day off from school. I wish I had sooner because now all the teachers are going to give a lot of homework for the weekend and I'm going to have to finish it all on Monday night. Isn't that fun?

Anywho. Soup's ready, I shall keep you posted on my cold (because all of you care, right? Oh? No? You don't? Oh well.)


Thursday, September 24, 2009

I Can Finally Hear!!

Hello all, I'm sick. And I'm posting this because I think the whole world cares.

What's that? Oh. They don't. My Facebook friends probably don't either. That's why I'm posting it here.

You know how I said I could finally hear? I can't again. MY ears popped from blowing my nose. AGAIN. Are. You. Kidding. Me.

And mt nose was like a waterfall. I'm sure all of you needed to know that. I'm just complaining. Pay no mind to this. Anyways, gotta go do my homework now I guess.


Monday, September 21, 2009

Oh Hey! I Remember What School Feels Like Now...

So hello everyone!

Hope you've had a good three first weeks of school. I kind of have.

Anyways I just wanted to let the very very very very very acutely tiny population of you readers know that I'm alive!

And sleepy. Hopefully I shall blog more this week.

Actually. Don't count on it. It's a major holiday in the Hindu community (Navratri) and I just got cast in a play at school. (Big part apparently. Yay!)

So perhaps next week. Hopefully.

Anywhoo, I have pictures and a ton of books to recommend/post.



Monday, September 7, 2009


Hi everyone!

I'm folding laundry (Well I should be folding laundry)

Anyways. Apparently I have to go to school tomorrow.

That sucks. It really, really does. I'll post how my week went later this week. Well obviously later this week.

Anyways. I should fold laundry. Apparently I have nothing better to do on the last day of summer. Oh,well. I've done enough this summer.


Friday, September 4, 2009

La La La...

So hey!

I completely forgot what I was going to say. But I'm going to ramble anyways. I do that a lot. Why? I don't know.


What was I talking about?


Nothing at all.

Oh well.

You know what smarts?

(Yes, I love to say that smarts! And yes, I am hyped up on caffeine!)

Well, this is the last Friday night of summer 09. I actually saw a lot of my friends today! But... it's still kind of sad. Some of my friends moved during the summer so I don't get to see them on Tuesday.

BUT I did get to see one of my friends that lives two hours away. So I got to stay at her place for a week. Yay!

I need a pencil case. The one I have now is too big. I also kinda want some sharpies...

Okay. I'll stop rambling now.

Au revoir.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hello Hello:)

Summer Vacation is officially over in six days.
Where did it all go?

Oh, well. We shouldn't dwell on it.
I completely forgot I took it (even though it's been my wallpaper for a week)

Well that would be it. It's not the greatest, I know. But I still like it.

So school. I have to say, I am kind of excited. Just to see my friends, but that's about it. I really hate to think about growing up. If it were up to me I'd stay a teenager forever. Too bad I can't change that.

Oh well. So two days ago I had the pleasure of staying in front of the guidance office for THREE HOURS. There was a conflict in my schedule. So I walk into the guidance counsellor's office and we checked to see what was wrong I waited three hours for nothing. She's really nice though. and she told me my schedule. It is well balanced, thank God. I could've had all four academic classes in one semester; if I had drama second semester and math first semester it could have happened.

In other words, I got a new backpack! Yay. I don;t know why, but I get really excited over these things. It's got some pencil organizers ans whatnot built in.

So after writing that. It is official. I need to get out. My mind is everywhere. I'm going to the library today.

See? My mind is everywhere! In a week I'll have no idea what I was thinking when I wrote this.

Oh well.

So I was debating whether or not I should review some of my science work form last year, as I have that first semester. What do you guys think?

Actually. Scratch that. I'm going crazy if I'm debating studying in the last precious days of vacation.

Okay, so I'm out before I say more stupid things.


PS, If some of you don't listen to the Beatles, you seriously should! I never used to listen to them, even when my friends put all of their songs on my iPod, but I finally gave in.

My favourite is Here Comes the Sun. It's happy

And also, my friend got me listening to Kate Nash back in May and her songs are awesome, especially Merry Happy and Birds.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Must... Stop... Playing... Sudoku

Ah, Writer's Block. Where would I be without it?

I think I know though: WRITING.

Instead I'm playing Sudoku... which I used to be really good at but now sadly... it took me 20 minutes to finish the easy level, a level that only used to take me five minutes.

But practise makes perfect... and I am out of practise. And me being the impatient person I am... I just went and jumped to the hardest level-- known as the Evil Level.

I put the game on pause so I can blog about it... why I chose to blog about it... I do not know.

I also need to start writing. Soon. But maybe after another game of Sudoku. Or tomorrow. Tomorrow sounds good. But, seriously, when am I going to have time to write once school comes around?

Answer: I have no idea. Here are the possible solutions:

1) Me being involved in absolutely nothing after school and getting great grades in everything because of my lack of extra-curricular activity. And on top of that: sleep.

Number one is doubtful. VERY doubtful

2) Me only being involved in something second semester , involving robot building, and getting good grades in both semesters but a lack of sleep in second semester.


3) There's a rumour that there is going to be a first semester main stage. I could be in that and not Construction Challenge (involving robots). And get a lack of sleep if I want to keep my great grades. But then snooze away AND get great grades in second semester.

Equally possible.

4) Get involved in main stage and Construction challenge and keep up good grades... but get no sleep, especially if I want to write.

Most Likely.

This is why I enjoy summer. It's very laid back and relaxing.

Although I do love some chaos.

So back to my game of sudoku...


Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Okay, so would anyone like some updates?

If you do... well, there aren't any. Actually, there are some. I drew something! I'm kind of pleased with it, but I'm not really sure.

The picture could have a dark meaning to it, or a hopeful one, depending on how you look at it. I drew it so it could have a hopeful meaning to it. Although some people would probably call me depressed. But I know I drew it with a good meaning to it, so really, it doesn't matter how other people interpret it. It's drawn with two meanings. Maybe one day I'll post it up... but really it's a rough draft at the moment.

Anyways, I think I might throw my music device (I'm not sure if I can name it) at the wall. But I'm not going to because that's just stupid.

The thing it, my friend put some songs on it yesterday, but it won't let me transfer them onto my computer. The company that makes them are really smart, apparently.

Oh well.

And did I mention there is less than a month till school?
Oh well.

I shall be back. Maybe soon.


Friday, July 31, 2009

Where Has All the Summer Gone?

Hello Blog Readers! (If you exist)

If you will scroll down two posts, you will see a to do list.

I have only managed to accomplish two out of seven things on the list, meaning I am a fail at this goal-setting thing. And there only happens to be one month of summer left.


So the two things I managed to do on this list was write some more, and get exercise... actually, I tried to get in contact with some friends that appear to have disappeared off the face of the planet, but they actually seem to have disappeared off the face of the planet. In short: I TRIED. So I can cross that off the list as well. Yay!

And it's already the 31st of July.... meaning there are only 39 days of summer left before school! And then the next thing I know it's going to be the first day of school, and I'm going to want to go back to sleep.

So I shall make the most of the 39 days.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

If You Will Look to Your Right...

So if you would do so kindly as to follow the instructions in the title... and look toward my new animation that I have created.

I'm super happy I finished it, and that I didn't screw up, either!

So just comment whether or not you like it please!!

(and PLEASE, it's highly unlikely however, DO NOT take it without my permission and/or take credit for it, or the quote unless I give you my permission, thank you)


Saturday, July 4, 2009

To Do List

SO (that's probably getting annoying, I know)
I have been feeling extremely unaccomplished this week. Basically I've just been sitting around doing absolutely nothing.

I read (on my water bottle) that goal setting triggers your subconscious memory. So I might as well give it a go:
  1. Get a notebook and start writing, somehow every year my penmanship gets worse by the year because I've written nothing over summer vacation. I also just enjoy rambling:)
  2. Post some pictures up. I actually did edit many pictures and I should share them...
  3. Draw. I want to come up with something really good to sketch, because I just got some new acrylic paints and I'm so excited to use them (although first I need to learn, I'm going to ask my uncle to teach me). I just need to know what I should paint first.
  4. Write some more of my book.
  5. Get in contact with some friends that probably think I disappeared since summer started. I've only spent the summer with some old friends so far...
  6. Exercise!!! I really should get in shape... it's not like I'm unhealthy or anything... I'm just incredibly nonathletic.
  7. Get off the computer. Seriously. I need to go outside.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

New layout!!

Ok, so you know how I kept saying I'll post up a picture?!

Well I didn't, but I DID, however make a background, which I am quite proud of.

Give me your thoughts on it please:)


So, Anyways...

So, I changed the name!!

I do think It's more fitting though :)



So I don't think I've posted this at all, but I'm writing a book. Since before I made this blog actually. The sad part is that I've written more on here than in my book. So far I've written about 1 1/2 chapters. I also think that it sucks big time. But recently I've given up on writing more, and just editing it. So I'm seeing an improvement.

Also, I read a creative writing project from last year, we had to write a short story. Mine was terrible. It was missing out on so many details and the narrator sounded so boring. It was so easy to get distracted from the plot.

So basically I just wanted to share that with whoever was reading... and I have been saying this for the past two weeks, but I will post some pictures SOON :)


Monday, June 29, 2009

Hey Blog, it's Been a While :)

Ok, so maybe it hasn't been a while.

But in case you people were reading this, bored, having nothing to do because it's raining outside and your hair's going to get wet, then all the product you put in this morning will wash out if you go outside... DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR HAIR SO MUCH!!!

Go run around outside... the smell of rain (as long as you are in a non-polluted place) is lovely. Bring an umbrella if you must... or if it's cold... wear a sweater.

Or for those of you who are afraid of catching a cold... grab a book and educate your minds :)

Well, I have more to say... but my sister wants the computer...


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hello All:)

SO... I have some business to take care of...

If you'll all scroll down just a little bit under this post you will see my last post... read it.

So I was reading it recently... I thought of a new name for my blog.

The only thing is I don't exactly know whether or not to change the name; I'm thinking of calling it "So, Anyways..." So, would that be a fitting name for the blog, or should I just make a new one?

Ok so that probably bored you, but please COMMENT! I gotta know...

So on to something exciting.... SUMMER

It's summer, and humid, and hot, and sunny, and nice:)

Exams are done, and I found out my marks, which were alright..

So I will be posting some new pictures and book/movie reviews soon... and who knows, maybe I'll even be brave enough to post some drawings/sketches this summer:)


Saturday, June 6, 2009


So if any one cares, or noticed... but I was reading over my blog today... and almost every post starts off with "So..."

SO, I just thought I'd share that small tidbit of my life with you... carry on with your lives...


Picture :)... and sorry :)

So I'm SO sorry for not writing in the longest time. Well I kinda have an excuse... I went to Tennessee two weeks ago, and last week it was my school's main stage production, which I was involved in.... Up till now I've been incredibly busy.

I did find a really nice picture I took a while ago... and if you look up you will see it. :)

Friday, May 1, 2009


So the picture I wrote about yesterday?

It's done!

(Early! [: )

Making me a happy ducking :)

This time I made everything from scratch, including the flowers I drew myself (Just quick doodles on paper)

So here it is:


Thursday, April 30, 2009

Picture :)

So I've been working on a picture I'm making from scrap. It's kinda like the picture a few posts below, but with more colour and no writing. I'm still working on it but I felt good about it. It's probably not going to be up soon since this is the last weekend I'll have enough time to breathe in May (Construction Challenge and Drama).

So yeah, I'll try to post soon.


Thursday, April 23, 2009


So I recently auditioned for my school's acting class. It's completely nerve-racking especially when you know the people you're auditioning for. You'd think it wouldn't be.

So I walk in, and all I'm doing is focusing on my breathing (And getting into character of course)

I go into the shoe room to take off my shoes (duh.)

When I walk out of the shoe room, I start freaking out. Imagine going in the classroom for an exam, and if you get less than an 80%, you'll fail the course.

So I go onstage and I thought I was gonna break down. I keep breathing. In and out. It's really relaxing. It helps to get into character as well. So that moment I took getting into character felt like an eternity, but it helped. I got up and (hopefully -- cross my fingers) I had a good stage presence, and I didn't look like Roshni, I looked and talked like my characters.

BUT coming out of the audition I didn't feel too great about it. So I shall keep whomever is actually reading this updated on how i did. I most likely won't find out until June though.

Although my drama coach/friend said that I'm too hard on myself...

So we shall see in a month or so...

Thanks for reading.& I hope I didn't bore you : ) but yeah. I felt the need to share that.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

New Layout :)

So I put up a new layout. :) I really liked the background when I saw it. There were also the flash quote and the title that I liked. They are all still from The cutest Blog on the Block.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Picture :)

So I'm definitely incredibly proud of this one. I made it from scratch. If you're wondering what the words are, they're just random tidbits of my day from the day I made it. (Which wasn't going so well , FYI)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sorry :D

OK, so if anyone cares I haven't blogged since... I actually don't know.
So (again) if anyone cares I'm sorry :)
I've been crazy with school and extra curricular stuff.
I actually have a lot of pictures and A LOT of book recommendations.

I think once exams are over I'll be free to do as I please. Although exams aren't over until June... but still.

So I shall try to write again :)


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Some pictures :)

Ok, so ONE picture.
So far.
But I like it (I didn't take it, I just edited it.)
&& also, there is a new look, still courtesy of the Cutest Blog on the Block

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

La la laaa

So... pictures??

Why yes, I have taken and edited some.

Am I going to put them up?

Yes. Yes I am.

When I'm not swamped with school work =].

And now I must go sleep. =D


Sunday, February 22, 2009


Okay, so I haven't blogged in about a month.

I've been so busy since school started, with drama(club and the not fun gossipy type), and construction challenge and of course academic school wise....

So other than that, i read a book that I've been wanting to read since the summer. It's called Cross my Heart and Hope to Spy by Ally Carter. It's also the sequel to the book I'd tell you I Love You, but then I'd Have to Kill You.

They're both amazing books, I really liked the second one. They have like adveture and romance and well a bunch of things, also my grammer is off because I'm just writing what comes to mind today =].

So yeah, that's about it.

For now.


Monday, January 26, 2009


Soo, yeah,

I found this in my phone, I took it a while ago, but the colouring was horrible. So i took it out, it looks way better in black and white, I also played with the brightness and contrast

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

'Kay, awesome movie.
Best I have seen in a while.
It's amazing.

It is an english movie based in India, about a "slumdog", or "chai wala (serves tea)" from Mumbai.

So, Jamal, gets a spot on India's Who Wants to be a Millionaire.

He get's all of the answers right, but right before the last question, the show finished.

After the show, they sort of kidnapped him, and questioned him.

They were telling him that doctors and lawyers couldn't get past 16,000 rupees, but he, a slumdog, answers the ten million rupee question.

It couldn't be possible, but he explains through his childhood memories how he came to know all the answers.

It's really interesting, and I think everyone should watch it (if you're fourteen or older.)


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pictures From Cell =]

So... Trees.
In the Car window. I liked it. I took a picture of it. Here it is.

I like trees. They can look completely different, but still the same in their nature.

I took the second one right before a sunset. I usually try blocking out houses and telephone wires, but I kinda like the effect they give off. It's like you can't get away from technology in today's world.

The last one I edited, I put so much contrast that only the silhouette of the trees show now, but I really like it.


Saturday, January 17, 2009

New Layout ;]

I think that the layouts can get boring to look at after a while, so I'm going to usually try to change the layout once in a while.

Backgrounds are courtesy of :
The Cutest Blog on the Block


Friday, January 16, 2009





I have three exams to study for this weekend, and I have to memorize a monologue, and practice dying onstage. Which is incredibly difficult.

Buuut... at least ofter Friday, I am FREE!!

until the next monday after that, anyways..

...So that was my story today.
If you read it, then great, if you didn't..
Well, then you didn't read it, what can I say?

I took some pictures on my phone today, and I was very impressed. I shall post them soon!


Sunday, January 11, 2009

So, Anyways.

I so did not want to go back to school, the only thing waiting for me was lots of culminating, and three exams at the end of the month.

That was a week late. But I was excited at first.
The excitement disappeared at one point.

It's quite cold this week.

I just feel like lying around, and that's not good, especially cause I've gotta write exams, but whatever. When it's time, I'll study :)

I have nothing more to look forward to for a while. Like, March.
That's two months :/

Ok, I'm done jabbering. I must get on with my life.
So, yeah.


P.S. If anybody happens to be reading this, would you mind requesting some geography websites, on account of the fact I am stuck for research for my geography culminating project. :S

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I found a New Editor on my Computer =]

I just thought I'd share.

I made two edits with it so far.
It's pretty difficult and frustrating to work though, so these may not be the best in the world...
I really need to get PhotoShop :S

OK, the First one I started for a part of my project ( a magazine ad) and I actually liked it a lot; it's one of my favourite book series. ( A Great and terrible beauty, by Libba Bray.)

And of course the Twilight series, but I wasn't all that impressed at how it turned out.

I think I was just frustrated that everything was so hidden, but otherwise it is an alright program to use. I wouldn't tell anyone to use it if they don't particularly enjoy editing pictures as a hobby, though.

Friday, January 2, 2009

More Pictures.. ;]

I was really happy with this picture. I played around with all the effects, and this is what I got. I took it while I was in a car, going somewhere...

I took the sunrise from the view of my house.
I had to zoom so much with my camera; I was worried it was going to come out blurry, but it didn't, and I really like this picture.

This one I took in the fall (obviously), I was walking somewhere, and started to kick around some leaves. I really liked the effect it was giving off, so i took out my camera and took some pictures.
This was my best one.

(Click to get bigger images)
